Computer Graphics: Realtime VideoCOMP471 / CART 498C
Fall 2006 COMP lectures: M W 2:45-4:00 , Room H-431 CART+COMP lectures: W 2:45-4:00, Room H-431 Lab Section 1: Freida Abtan, Th 1:30-3:30 in EV 5-709Lab Section 2: Yannick Assogba, F 10:30-12:30, in EV 5-815Lab Section 3: Erik Conrad, F 1:30-3:30,
This course introduces real-time processing and synthesis of image and video, with applications to performance events and responsive media environments. Topics include sampled image vs. structured light, digital representations of video, live video, real-time effects, array processing, and applications ofÊcomputer vision. The course approaches visual image as a medium continuous in time and space, subject to continuous transformations. It also provides an opportunity to practice data-flow programming in a standard environment for real-time visual and sonic media installations, i.e. Max / Jitter.
ThisÊcourseÊwill be oriented to the practical production of "2D" video sampled or synthetic textures with applications in installation and performance arts,Êrather than "3D" geometry for games.
Phenomenology of performance, theater, dance, and architecture will contextualize the technical discussion. Supplementary readings will be drawn from critical studies of media arts and performance, philosophy and history of techno-science, as well as computer graphics and computer vision. Prominent examples of video art will provide perspective and challenge.
In laboratory, students will create real-time media synthesis applications using a professional real-time media framework (Max/Jitter).
This class is designed for advanced undergraduate / graduate students from diverse disciplines who want to work with technologies of performance. It prepares students for subsequent work in responsive media environments and installation art.
Students will be