
Movements of Thought 4

Thursday, May 15th,  12:30 – 14:30 – Usine C

In collaboration with Usine C, the Senselab has launched a serie of activities OPEN TO THE PUBLIC and FREE : Movements of Thought and Knots of Thought.

The next Movements of Thought will focus on Sound Art practices – through deep listening, gesture bending, and the sonic affordances of found / everyday objects. 

The activators for the session will be : 
Doug Van Nort (Topological Media Lab)
Navid Navab (Topological Media Lab)
Juliana Keller (Sonic Electric)

Movements of Thought considers ways of moving and thinking through embodied experience, and of thought itself as a mobile interplay across disciplines. What is a moving thought? How may it open bodies to modes of lived abstraction, becoming more-or-less human, comprising images, material entities, and affective compositions? What techniques may be drawn from diverse practices in physical movement, and how may these be assembled in discussion with scholars and practitioners from other fields? Working alongside Knots of Thought, this assembly of thinking-together invites participants to consider what may be at stake for performing an ecology of practices in the movements of thought.

Come and explore with us Movements of Thought, next Thursday May 15th at half past noon at Usine C (1345 av. Lalonde – metro Beaudry).

More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1489992901216954/