Concordia University




Class Examples

Please note: The examples from class will be added on a weekly basis. Right-click on the examples and save them to your computer to open them in Max. Students are encouraged to re-create the techniques studied in class themself.

Week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Week 1: September 8th

Increment and Print Example

or, download everything from week 1


Week 2: September 15th

Another solution to the Increment exercise from last week, using the metro object.
More input interface objects
Routing objects
Setting color
Waves of color
Blinking lights
A single square that changes color
Many squares that change color, (uses this patch)
Animate a slider
Animate a multislider, (uses this patch)

or, download everything from week 2


Week 3: September 22nd

Movie playback using the quicktime library
Using the preset object to load video cues (with example delay times between presets)
Crossfading between video files
Selecting video cues by frame (uses this frame movie patch)
Selecting video loop cues by quicktime 'time' units (uses this time movie patch)
A video sampler that uses keys a-z to play cues (Defaults to example cue file)
A video sampler that uses keys a-z to play video loops (Defaults to example loop cue file)
A video drum machine example that uses a video sampler

or, download everything from week 3

Week 4: September 29th

Introduction to the jitter matrix
Spatial deconstruction of a matrix
Downsampling a video matrix
Color correction and image cleanup
Displacing a video matrix
A live camera input patch
A simple video mixer that uses math operation to mix a movie with live camera input
A more complicated video mixer (uses the movie_input and movies_by_folder patches)

or, download everything from week 4


Week 5: October 6th

External controllers
More spatial transformations
Video generators
Advanced crossfading (temporal behaviours).
Luma and Chroma keying (uses the movies_by_folder, movie_input, video_in, video_out, and make_camera_in objects)
Faking an alpha channel for alphablend (uses the above 5 included objects, and several images)
Special effects in Jitter - not a very well documented patch (uses the above 5 included objects)
An offical rather messy map of the Jitter objects- not very well documented

or, download everything from week 5


Week 6: October 13th

MSP synthesis objects
Introduction to the harmonic series
Creating an oscillator
The frequency and time domain
MSP sound playback objects
Creating a sound scrubber (makes use of sound files)
Recording to a sound buffer
Using a function to control ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release)
A very simple synthesizer (uses the random_points, random_func, and the above oscillator object)
Using a function to control file playback (uses the above included sound files)
Some tools for more extended synthesis (not well documented, or demonstrated in class, but fun to play with)
Tracking pitch and amplitude (Makes use of the sigmund~ object, available for free download)

or, download everything from week 6


Week 7: October 20th

download everything from week 7


Week 8: October 27th

download everything from week 8


Week 10: November 10th

download everything from week 10


Week 11: November 17th

Make a video file with gradients
Manipulate the gradients in after effects (makes use of a prerendered video file)
Respositiong using prepared seed video (makes use of a prerendered video file)

or, download freida's patches from week 11 , linear algebra patches from week 11 (trig, rotating polygons, convolution)


Week 13: December 1st

Mask a specific color from input video using jit.op
Mask a specific color from input video using jit.expr