Directed Research: Practicum

Prof. Sha Xin Wei

3 credits

By permission of instructor.

Schedule: TBA

This is a practice-based individual study for a Masters or PhD student supervised by the instructor.   It is intended for graduate and advanced undergraduate students who are affiliated with the Topological Media Lab. 


Topics will vary according to the semester and individual participants' interests. Broadly they include responsive environments, movement, and materiality from phenomenological as well as technical perspectives, with ethico-aesthetic implications.


First-time students are strongly encouraged to at least audit one of the reading courses -- CART 414, INDI 633, SPEC 825 -- that will help orient them to the approaches and motivations powering the experimental work.


Students who make satisfactory progress in their graduate program and in this seminar, may repeat this course for credit.




Demonstration, installation, or design brief / model at end of term.  (100%)



Weekly discussion, demonstration at end of term.





This seminar will typically be offered every semester:  Fall, Winter, and sometimes Summer.

Students from programs other than the SIP should check with their home programs that they can take this course for credit.



INDI 633

CART 414 (Winter 2013)

CART 411 (Fall 2012)



 • 650.815.9962 •