contact sponge

from notes produced by sponge in 1999

M3 Themes 01 02


Schematic of m3 Spaces: Puzzle, Zero (sauna), and TGarden

It may be better to think of these parts more as scenes in the temporal order of the experience of the visitor.
  • Netspace
  • media-bots shine video onto realspace puzzle
  • solving the model of the physical puzzle space controls the media display
  • display is used as "algorithmic" binoculars into the m3 space and event
  • people on the net can play with this and modify the media structure of the installation/performance
  • Puzzle
  • combinatorial, discrete
  • sliding panels
  • pushing a door aside in one corridor slides it to block an adjacent corridor.
  • contact sponge sensors send open/close signals to sound synthesis software
  • Zero
  • very light, featureless walls
  • the light fades slowly over time, and then light flashes, wipe out.
  • people lie on floor and see their own bodies projected onto ceiling (after flash), but their images are mixed in realtime.
  • T(opological)-Garden
  • Start with bodies of performers and visitors: the people will wear sumptuous fabrics with embedded (active/passive) sensors
  • As they approach other people their clothes will audibly interfere - squeal, doppler shift, layer sounds
  • Performers may touch or be touched, which leaks image or recorded sound from one body to the other.
  • As they walk around their location, speed, configuration will be fed to a MIDI composition program which maps changing configurations to ambient sound.
  • Objects projected as video into the continuous matter medium
  • Localized sound for 'burying' and 'unburying' video projected objects etudes
m3 is a conceptually large piece, so in the first 6-9 months, we will build a series of studies playing with particular themes and techniques. Each study can stand alone as a performance and/or installation, but will draw from and feed ideas back into the m3 arc. We plan to collect what we build and learn into m3 over a second period of 6 months in Year 2000.

Howling clothing: Clothes that trail and exchange wisps of fabric or sound behind people. These tendrils curl, waft and intertwine behind us. As you pass someone, your clothes interfere audibly (Doppler, radio tuner squeal, anharmonics, etc.), images and sounds that you carry or make bleed from you to the other person, as you touch or approach other bodies. The sound is function not of individual identity but of relative spacing and motion.

Fiberoptic video bundles: Bundle up hundreds of fiber-optic cables. Butt one end against a video projector -- try shooting video down the bundle. Bending the bundle lets light/image leak around corner. Weave these bundles' threads effectively permutes the pixels. May be one of the objects buried in the T-garden. Or suspended by the hundreds from ceiling down to 0.2 - 2.5 meters off the floor.

Thousands of threads fill the airspace. Threads are tied to strain-sensors, which map to re-synthesized sound. You walk through it and can't help but leave impressions, bend the threads. Breakage should be ok.

Speech paint: As you walk around the room, speak. Your speech appears as text splashed onto the wall nearest you. As you walk around your words are painted on roughly so that it seems like you're splattering your voice onto the walls.

Each wall has a microphone at its top center, connected to continuous speech recogntion software (eg. Dragon Systems). The software converts to text, and another application takes text and maps it to screen. Screen image is projected onto the wall from video projector mounted above opposite wall.

Puzzle Room:
See description above of Puzzle Space. We build the sensors on tracked dividing screens, and the software that maps state of sliding doors to sound.

Web Puzzle:
People on the WWWeb will see a display of a maze in which little robots (appearing as discs with perhaps a headlight) will solve the puzzle. The geometry of the maze will be updated (1) by people sliding the corresponding door in physical Puzzle space, or (2) by a remote visitor clicking on the web display. This will be a Java simulation-cum-control of the Puzzle Space. Details as in "m3History" document or the Cafe Istanbul napkin.

xinwei • 23 may 1999
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