All posts by ninab

The Dream & Nightmare Laboratory

The Dream & Nightmare Laboratory, established in Montreal’s Sacré-Coeur (Sacred Heart) Hospital in 1991, is dedicated to the scientific study of dreaming and its disorders, to the training of graduate students, researchers and health professionals in the techniques and applications of dream science, to the development and deployment of proven methods for treating dream-related health problems, and to public education about the important role dreams and nightmares play in psychological life.

District3 Vision

Our mission is to create an ecosystem for bridging the gap between academia, industry and government, and to leverage the underlying potential available to materialize radical innovations.

The common misconception of innovation is to often confuse it with invention and to believe that it’s the creation of a new product. The sole definition of innovation is the creation of those better or more effective products, processes, services, technologies or ideas that are accepted by markets, governments, and society.
The value of Innovation comes from the creation of new products and services. Experts agree that the innovation process generates economic growth and a sustained competitiveness; it creates value out of knowledge and/or out of inventions from research. But it is a complex process requiring the alignment and drive of the many different actors and stakeholders of the ecosystem it is to bring benefits to.



District 3 Innovation Centre

David O’Brien Centre for Sustainable Enterprise

Named after benefactor David O’Brien, Chairman of RBC and Encana, the David O’Brien Centre for Sustainable Enterprise was inaugurated in November 2009. Paul Shrivastava, the Centre’s director, spearheads the Centre’s efforts to be the leader in developing business practices that support corporate social responsibility, environmental health and safety, environmental management, community, and greening activities.

The David O’Brien Centre for Sustainable Enterprise (DOCSE) focuses its efforts on guiding organizations toward holistic sustainable strategies that are rooted in innovation and enterprise development.

The Centre is committed to:

  • advancing scholarly research endeavors
  • creating world-class teaching and learning opportunities
  • developing community outreach initiatives

Sense Lab

The Sense Lab is a laboratory for thought in motion

The Sense Lab is composed of artists, academics, researchers, dancers, writers. We work together to explore the active passage between research and creation. We consider research to be creation in germ, and creation to produce its own concepts for thought.

Erin Manning founded the Sense Lab in 2004 in an effort to conceive a working and thinking environment for the creation of new modes of encounter. Since then, we’ve held monthly reading groups as well as a bi-monthly speaker-series entitled Bodies-Bits///Corps-Données which is a platform for the exploration of work in progress both local and international.

We host a series of international events under the rubric Technologies of Lived Abstraction. This event series was conceived as a vehicle for the exploration of modes of participation that take thought as their laboratory for creative practice and creative practice as a platform for thought. Our first event, Dancing the Virtual (2005), focused on the movements of thought through the prism of relational movement and philosophy. Housing the Body, Dressing the Environment (2007) was composed around platforms for relation that activated the constellation architecture-body-environment-thought. Society of Molecules (2009) invites participants to plan local micropolitical “molecules” engaging in aesthetico-political interventions in a distributive participatory model.

Since 2008, we have started hosting residencies. We welcome approaches to research-creation that seek to open thought.

Our online multi-media journal is entitled Inflexions: A Journal for Research-Creation.

Everyone is welcome. We are located at Concordia University (Hexagram) in EV 11-625, 11-655.

Technoculture, Art and Games

Technoculture, Art and Games

Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art based at Concordia University in Montréal. TAG brings together scholars, artists, designers, engineers and students from all departments at Concordia and we welcome participants from other universities, the game and media arts industries and community based groups. See our members page.

At the heart of TAG is a shared interest and concern with digital games as exemplary objects for cultural research, artistic creation, technical innovation and social mediation, all in the context of an expanding information society and the changing fabric of everyday life.

TAG has a triple mandate to:

  • » Initiate and support collaborative research/creation of projects in digital game studies and design, both at the student and faculty levels.
  • » Build bridges and establish partnerships with games related industries, independent game developers and international researchers and artists.
  • » Actively explore and develop viable models of interdisciplinary research collaboration.

Bettina Bergo

Depuis quelques années, j’ai orienté mes intérêts vers trois principales pistes. La première consiste en une intervention critique sur la phénoménologie herméneutique depuis Heidegger. J’ai interrogé le «tournant théologique» de la phénoménologie française des vingt-cinq dernières années en cherchant à déterminer la relation entre celui-ci et l’herméneutique de la rencontre avec autrui chez Levinas? Cette question en implique d’autres : Que signifie une lecture «séculière» de Levinas? Comment cette dernière se distingue-t-elle d’une lecture influencée par la pensée juive? Enfin, quel est la contribution de Levinas à la question de la sensibilité de la chair « intersubjective »? Je m’appuie sur les contributions récentes de commentateurs français, dont J.-M Salanskis, G. Bensussan, entre autres.

La seconde piste de mes recherches poursuit le «destin» de certains concepts philosophiques et psychologiques (Affektus , Leidenschaft , Seele) suite à la révolution kantienne et en considérant l’émergence de la neurologie et de la psychiatrie matérialistes en Europe, surtout en France et en Allemagne. Ce questionnement fait partie d’un travail de longue haleine sur la sensibilité considérée à partir de 1813 (cf. Hegel, La philosophie de l’esprit ).

La troisième piste approfondit mes recherches en psychanalyse freudienne et, avant tout, sa réception française (Lacan, Pontalis, Laplanche). Il s’agit d’un domaine comportant de multiples influences et ressorts. Un des intérêts majeurs de la psychologie française se situe dans ses tentatives, partagés ou contestés, de traiter avec le matérialisme hérité du XVIIIe siècle (cf. J-M. Charcot, P. Janet). Mais l’intérêt principal de cette psychologie tient dans son effort de perpétuer un questionnement philosophique au sein du discours psychologique lui-même (cf. M. Pradines et M. Merleau-Ponty).

Tore Nielsen

Full Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Université de Montréal
Psychologist (College of Psychologists of Quebec)
Director of the Dream and Nightmare Laboratory

Research Interests:
Effect of REM sleep deprivation on dreaming. Psychophysiology and treatment of patients with nightmares and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Parasomnias among children and new mothers. Effects of virtual reality immersion on dreaming. Population studies of dreaming and nightmares.

Polysomnography, selective REM sleep deprivation, spectral analysis of the EEG and ECG, sensory stimulation during sleep, virtual reality exposure, sampling and analysis of lab and home dreams, internet-based dream collection.

Sabine Bergler

Sabine Bergler is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at Concordia University. Her Ph.D. is from the Computer Science Department at Brandeis University, her MS from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and her undergraduate education from Institut fur Informatik at the University of Stuttgart.

She is a member of the CLAC Laboratory conducting computational linguistics research at Concordia, the BioIT Laboratory for bioinformatics technology, and CENPARMI, the Center for Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence.

Mark Sussman

Mark Sussman is a theatre artist and scholar working on the animation of public space and the integration of old and new technologies in live performance. He earned his PhD from the Department of Performance Studies at New York University, where he received the Michael Kirby Memorial Award for his doctoral dissertation on 18th and 19th Century stagings of the new technology of electricity. He joined Concordia’s faculty and moved to Montreal in 2005. He is currently Associate Professor and Acting Chair of the Department of Theatre.

Sussman is a founder and co-artistic director of Great Small Works, an OBIE and UNIMA/Jim Henson Award-winning theatre collective based in New York City. Since 1995, Great Small Works has been producing new theatre works on a variety of scales, from miniature toy theatre pieces using two-dimensional cutouts and live montage, to giant parades, community processions, and circuses. The company specializes in the reinvention of ancient, popular, and avant-garde performance techniques in contemporary contexts, creating variety evenings, international festivals, and community-based projects in addition to discrete performance works. With Great Small Works, he was artistic director for Bienvenue à Tourne-York, a large-scale outdoor Carnival commissioned by the town of Tournefeuille (near Toulouse), France in Spring, 2009. In 2010, he was co-designer for theatres and exhibition spaces for the 9th International Toy Theater Festival, produced at St. Ann’s Warehouse in Brooklyn, NY. He also co-designed a retrospective exhibition of The Toy Theater of Terror As Usual, a series of news-based paper theatre shows, produced by Great Small Works between 1990-2002. The exhibition, which included a new episode, was part of “The Curse of Bigness,” an exhibit curated by Larissa Harris at the Queens Museum of Art, NYC (May to October 2010).

As part of his ongoing research based at Concordia, Sussman is continuing work on Soil Desire People Dance, a tabletop object theatre performance using live and pre-recorded video, inspired by the writings of W.G. Sebald.

Apart from Great Small Works, Sussman continues a ten-year collaboration with writer/director Allen S. Weiss, with whom he has created two incarnations of Danse Macabre, an installation-performance using dolls created by Paris-based artist Michel Nedjar, most recently at the In Transit 09 Festival in Berlin. In Montreal, he is the principal organizer of Café Concret, an occasional cabaret of experimental puppetry and object-based performance, a forum for new works in a variety of media.

Sussman’s writing has appeared in The Drama Review, (ai) performance for the planet, Connect, Stagebill, Cabinet, Radical Street Performance (Routledge, 1999), and Puppets, Masks, and Performing Objects (MIT, 2001). He is currently preparing an anthology (edited with Susan Simpson at CalArts) provisionally titled Automaton to Zombie: a Dictionary of Performing Objects. He is an artist/researcher at the Hexagram Institute, and the recipient of a research-creation grant from the FQRSC for 2008-2011.