Christoph Brunner is a researcher at the Institute for Critical Theory at Zurich University of the Arts. He is also completing his PhD, “Ecologies of Relation: Aesthetic Practices as Research-Creation” at Concordia’s Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture. His work focuses on aesthetic politics and research-creation. He is particularly interested in the notion of the collective as a transductive force in so-called media ecologies. For him the TML provides a vital environment to pursue questions of collectives between humans and more-than-humans. His most recent publications include: “Immediation as Practice of Signaletic Mattering,” Journal of Aesthetics & Culture 4 (June 2012), “Rhythm, Consolidation, Transduction: On Francis Alÿs Railings“, On Curating 15 (forthcoming 2012), Practices of Experimentation: Research and Teaching in the Arts Today (2012), co-edited book.
Category Archives: Research associates
Anne-Maria Korpi
Anne-Maria Korpi received her Master of Fine Arts degree at the California Academy of Arts and Crafts. She studied architecture with Coop Himmelb(l)au in Vienna, Austria. She was born in Finland and works in Bali and Europe.
Jennifer Spiegel
Jennifer Spiegel is a post-doctoral fellow in the department of Art History and Communications at McGill and teaches in the Department of the Theatre at both Concordia and McGill. She holds a PhD in Cultural Studies from Goldsmiths College, University of London. Her research focuses on performance and theatricality in environmental communication and social activism, and the politics of aesthetics across media. She is also interested in practice-based research concerning collective processes of creation in physical theatre, social circus and the possibilities afforded by experiments in the collective movement of human and non-human bodies.
Areas of interest include: Contemporary social and political theory; radical theatre and
performance; community-based performance; critical theories of performance and media; ecological thought; social movements; grass roots media
JoDee Allen
JoDee Allen (BFA Contemporary Dance) is a SIP Masters student researching street dance,video games and real-time video. She is a part-time professor in the Contemporary Dance faculty and is the co-artistic director and founding member of the dance company, Solid State Breakdance (2000 – 2011). JoDee is currently involved in movement-based research at the TML, specifically the Gesture Bending project.
Lina Dib
Lina Dib is an artist and anthropologist associated with the Topological Media Lab in Montreal and TX/RX labs in Houston. Her PhD (2013) in Anthropology from Rice University concerned the contemporary technologies of memory. Situated at the intersection of anthropology, contemporary art, and the social study of science, her work focuses on concepts of time, memory, the environment, and intimacy in the design of digital recording devices. She has received grants and awards from Canada’s Social Science and Humanities Research Council, AMIDA’s European training program, and Rice University’s Humanities Research Center. Recent publications include: “The Forgetting Dis-ease: Making Time Matter” (2012), “Of Promises and Prototypes: The Archeology of the Future” (2010) and “Memory as Concept in the Design of Digital Recording Devices” (2008). Dib’s installations and compositions range from the ethnographic to the experimental, and have been shown in Montreal, New York, New Orleans, Paris and Houston.
Tyr Umbach
Tyr Umbach is a scientist and student of mathematics, fine arts and philosophy. Since 2009, Tyr has been a contributor to the realtime video and state engine components of the TML’s Ozone media choreography platform, and the Il Y A video membrane installation, with much of his current TML efforts concentrated upon dynamical systems and continuous state machines. His fields of interest include algebra, topology, and geometry, and their applications to physics, chemistry, natural science, and philosophy.
Magdalena Isabela Victoria Olszanowski
Concordia University. She obtained her BA honours summa cum laude from the University of Toronto and an MA in Communication and Culture from York University. She has studied at the University of Amsterdam on full scholarship. A certificate in Creative Writing from the University of Toronto school of Continuing Education also hangs on her mom’s wall.Born in Warsaw, Poland, she is a sujet-en-proces, existing within the contours of relations. Her work grounds itself in the multi-faceted topology of surveillance and process/movement. Magdalena’s research topics include the body as an ‘open system’ prepared for ‘abstract sex’, granular synthesis, process philosophy’s potential in re-framing mapping practices, melancholia, emerging media and the liminal spaces of the ‘not yet’ in immersive environments. By the by, she identifies as an arts-based researcher with lax hygiene and no social graces.
Katie Jung
Michael Fortin
Michael has expertise and interest in computer graphics, artificial intelligence and
artificial life. He has developed some core optimizations of the physics and time-based
video computation, as well as GL projects. He is working on some applications of
machine vision as part of the Ozone media choreography team. He received is MA in
Computer Science at Concordia University.
Josée-Anne Drolet
Research Facilitator / BFA Computation Arts / Soft Architecture, Media, Management,
Communications / email
Josée-Anne graduated from the Computation Arts program after 3 years at Concordia
and an exchange program in Communication and New Media at the National University
of Singapore.
She has experience in high level team sports, with the family enterprise
(RHUMART, Manoir de Neuville, Sushi Nagano) and team based, creative projects such
as the Grand Onion , Troglodyte and Cosmicomics .