Christoph Brunner is a researcher at the Institute for Critical Theory at Zurich University of the Arts. He is also completing his PhD, “Ecologies of Relation: Aesthetic Practices as Research-Creation” at Concordia’s Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture. His work focuses on aesthetic politics and research-creation. He is particularly interested in the notion of the collective as a transductive force in so-called media ecologies. For him the TML provides a vital environment to pursue questions of collectives between humans and more-than-humans. His most recent publications include: “Immediation as Practice of Signaletic Mattering,” Journal of Aesthetics & Culture 4 (June 2012), “Rhythm, Consolidation, Transduction: On Francis Alÿs Railings“, On Curating 15 (forthcoming 2012), Practices of Experimentation: Research and Teaching in the Arts Today (2012), co-edited book.