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the long term, problems and questions that cannot be explored entirely
within the course of one production cycle will guide the research trajectory
of the project. These heuristics will feed investigations in multiple
fields of inquiry and technology development: social studies of technology,
experimental phenomenology, topological media, wireless sensing, wearable
computing and responsive dynamic media system architectures.
Research is characterized by the articulation and diffusion of knowledge
that can be used in more than one context. The research facet of the
project is open-ended work which is guided and seeded by TGarden public
Results from the research will be generated in the appropriate form
of reports, symposia or experimental technologies and should have the
same status as other academic or scientific work published in the scholarly,
public domain. Such presentations have already begun, in a variety of
academic and cultural conference settings.
These ideas will be materialized and fed back to subsequent productions
of TGarden. In this way, the research is flexibly coupled with the performances,
allowing each to follow their own calendar while at the same time the
resonating agendas allow each thread/field of work to gain from the
other without rigid interdependencies.
for further context into the inception of the
TGarden project please see TGarden residue.